Histoire d'O selon Oraclutie

L'Histoire d'O, de toute évidence, est l'un de ces livres qui marquent leur lecteur -- qui ne le laissent pas tout à fait, ou pas du tout, tel qu'ils l'ont trouvé.

We, Autel & R***, both have a great passion for Story of O. We discovered this work of Pauline Réage during adolescence (independently) and have been being fascinated even if the reason is not the same for each. In fact that enthusiasm enabled us to know each other and to develop our relationship. We seemed to have been destined by this work for what we are today together and are still guided by it. We were both "marked" by this story like many other people and probably like you.

Table of Contents / Table des matières

Table of Contents in Japanese

© Autel & R***